Apartment Map in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Real Estate Map)

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・By clicking the title or image of the property information, you can check the list of real estate properties and the property details page.
We hope you find it useful when you are looking for real estate in Ho Chi Minh City.
For Ho Chi Minh real estate, please feel free to contact Suzuki Property Vietnam Co., Ltd in Ho Chi Minh City.
Click here for apartment map (full screen)
Click here for the special page (office map) of rental officesLocation of Suzuki Real Estate
Properties for sale by Suzuki Real Estate
Condominiums and serviced apartments for rent
shopping center
Government and International Airports
large park
Japanese School and International School
Suzuki Property Vietnam
At Suzuki Real Estate, even in Vietnam, Japanese qualified real estate agents (real estate brokers) are stationed firmly and guide you. The rental brokerage fee is [free]. In the brokerage business, I have many consultations on real estate sales and offices, and I am confident. There are many property information [non-disclosed properties] that are not posted on purpose, so please ask for details (we have a general grasp of real estate around Ho Chi Minh City, including new and second-hand properties). Suzuki TEL 0914408621