You can simulate the cost of living in Vietnam with this calculator.
Numbers in blue can be changed.
Orange is the calculation result of each section.
Yellow results in cost of living for one month.
*Electricity charges are about 7 times in Japan. On the other hand, I think that the frequency of using air conditioners, which require the most power, will increase. Therefore, if you feel that your electricity bill is high when you first try living here, we recommend that you reduce the frequency of using the air conditioner or use a fan.
At Suzuki Real Estate, even in Vietnam, Japanese qualified real estate agents (real estate brokers) are stationed firmly and guide you. The rental brokerage fee is [free]. In the brokerage business, I have many consultations on real estate sales and offices, and I am confident. There are many property information [non-disclosed properties] that are not posted on purpose, so please ask for details (we have a general grasp of real estate around Ho Chi Minh City, including new and second-hand properties). Suzuki TEL 0914408621