ANGIA SKYLINE | Condominium 3 beds in Ho Chi Minh District 7 (resale), apartment for foreigners

ANGIA SKYLINE | Condominium 3 beds in Ho Chi Minh District 7 (resale), apartment for foreigners


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  • Mr. Seiyano, when selling Angia Skyline
  • Angia Skyline 3bed for sale
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (1)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (9)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (2)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (3)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (5)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (6)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (7)
  • Angia Skyline 3bed (8)

Property ID :



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Number of bedrooms




Total floor area

108 m2

Completion time




It will be a 3 bed room in Angia Skyline Condominium.

Even foreigners can purchase this property.
It will be 107 square meters with 3 beds that can be purchased reasonably for moving to Ho Chi Minh City.

We also handle undisclosed properties such as Grand Marina, Sunwa Pearl, and Vinhomes.
For buying and selling, please feel free to contact Suzuki Real Estate.


*The property has been sold. I applied.January 2023: Seller representative

What was striking was how disappointed the owner was at the gap between the image and the actual image I had sent him.

Vietnam Suzuki Real Estate

We have supported many people who have had trouble with the Angia project since the COVID-19 period.

Although our company does not handle any new construction sales for this project, we do receive many referrals from people as we are a real estate agency with expertise in sales and purchases in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

If you own a suburban property in Ho Chi Minh City, including District 9, and are having trouble selling, please feel free to contact us.

*All photos are taken by our company.

Suzuki Property Vietnam

At Suzuki Real Estate, even in Vietnam, Japanese qualified real estate agents (real estate brokers) are stationed firmly and guide you. The rental brokerage fee is [free]. In the brokerage business, I have many consultations on real estate sales and offices, and I am confident. There are many property information [non-disclosed properties] that are not posted on purpose, so please ask for details (we have a general grasp of real estate around Ho Chi Minh City, including new and second-hand properties). Suzuki TEL 0914408621

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