卖完了 查看详情 在越南胡志明市出租的房地产Vintan Central Park Bintan District-ST105L538 3 2 103 m2 出租, Vinhomes Central Park Vinhomes Central Park 1,300$ /月
卖完了 查看详情 Binhomes Central Park, Condo with Gym and Pool, 4 bedroom for rent 174 square meters-3000$-ST105P1793。 4 3 174 m2 出租, Vinhomes Central Park Vinhomes Central Park 3,000$ /月
卖完了 查看详情 Bin Homes Central Park(胡志明)|出租4LDK 138 sqm-2300$-ST105771 4 2 138 m2 出租, Vinhomes Central Park Vinhomes Central Park 2,300$ /月